Thursday, July 7, 2011

DIY Quadpod

Update:  The legs are complete, they are just sitting together at the moment.  I'm currently deliberating how I will proceed to finish my design.  It currently weighs 15 lbs.  Just to get your hearts racing a little I am including a image I took of the quadpod standing up.  Its low height is about 32 inches and I estimate it will be about 50 inches tall not including the rest of the tripod head mount or fluid head.  Don't be fooled by the PVC you see, as I can confidently tell you each leg is rock solid with zero wiggle room.  There is also more to this than the eye can see, but I will keep that my little secret until I make my DIY video once its finished.  Let me know what you think in the comments below :).  Cheers.

Well its almost here.  My very own DIY quadpod.  My estimates on its final specs would be that it could be capable of supporting 100lbs and weigh about 20lbs, but thats just a guess because it looks like an amazing freakin beast!  I currently only have to assemble the last leg and from there final design tweaking.  The last leg will take longer because I will be shooting my video while making it for the DIY.

If your wondering what is involved in the construction process you will be very glad to know that there is zero metal work involved!  So anyone could technically make this.  The tricky part might be getting the parts I used but I will get into that later.  Estimated final cost, about $55.  Oh yeah baby, oh yeah.

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