Sunday, August 19, 2012

Passed 1,000 Subscribers and Climbing!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who follows me and a warm welcome to those that now do or will.  I hope to create more and even better content as my channel continues to grow.  At this point I still have multiple DIY's I still wish to create and share along with some reviews of products that I own and are on order.

One of my goals is to show you these neat DIY ideas of mine and actually put them to use in short films.  That way you know what can be done with them.

Thanks again and take care!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Krotocrane Featured on IndyMogul!

Hey everyone, I have some great news!  The Krotocrane was featured on IndyMogul's YouTube channel along with Awake in the Woods.  This is very exciting for a few reasons.  One is that spreads the word on the Krotocrane.  Two, from this I have now surpassed 1,000 subs and am actually moving towards 1,200 already!  Anyways, here is there channel and the featured video.  Check it out and subscribe to IndyMogul for more great stuff!  Cheers!

IndyMogul Channel:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why Indie Filmmakers Should Shop at Goodwill

So I decided to share why those on a budget should shop at Goodwill by  displaying some of the finds that I have purchased myself from various Goodwill stores.  Check it out!

To name a few items I now have for just a few dollars:  CamGear heavy duty tripod with a fluid head - $7, 80-200mm Minolta lens, 50mm 1.7f lens, camera bag, adjustable flash totaling $7, two more nice tripods - $3 each and some nerf guns - $2 each.  I even just got a Audio Technica ATR20 microphone for $4.  Ooohh, yeah!  So go check out your local Goodwill and see what you can discover for your future projects!